Are emotional issues keeping you from living the best of life?

Psychotherapy is an effective and scientifically validated way to equilibrate the main spheres of human’s life and experience essential joy in everyday life.

Therapy benefits in deepening bodily and emotional awareness and in consequence release anxiety, depression and psychosomatic symptoms that prevent you from the abundance of life.

Dr. Alina Charnavusava
Expert Clinical Psychologist In Gestalt For Individuals, Couples & Families

Enhance mental health, resolve emotional issues, and find well-being in a safe, supportive environment.

In therapy, I guide you through life’s challenges and crises, fostering self-awareness, responsibility, and openness to new life opportunities.

During the sessions I am deeply committed to ensuring that my clients feel safe and comfortable. I am dedicated to building trust and empathic rapport with a person who refers to me.

Areas Of Expertise

I’m devoted to human’s well-being, serving as a Gestalt therapist and counsellor focusing on existential problems of human being.

My therapeutic approach is a process of transformation which empowers you towards an authentic changes, foster self-harmony and relationship with others, discover new opportunities and creative ways to cope with life changes.

Do you need help overcoming life's challenges?

You Don’t Have To Go Through Your Life Struggles Alone.
I’m here to help! Make the first step to improve your life by reaching out today.
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